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Czech 100 Best Companies 2022


It is a great honor for us to be ranked among the 100 Best Companies in the Czech Republic for the 9th year in a row!

Czech 100 Best Companies 2022

Our company DVOŘÁK – slope mowers s.r.o. was ranked among the 100 best companies in the Czech Republic for the ninth time in a row.

Every year, Comenius announces the top 100 companies in the Czech Republic and a ranking of companies divided in 10 industry categories.

In this year's 27th edition of the competition, ČEZ, a.s. took first place. SEV.EN ENERGY GROUP took second place and MATTONI 1873 A.S. took third place.

The ceremonial handing over took place on 2 December 2022, traditionally held in the premises of Prague Castle.

Congratulations to all ranked companies.

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