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GOOD DESIGN Awards 2021: prestigious award for the SPIDER CROSS LINER


The smallest SPIDER RC mower in our portfolio was awarded the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, one of the most prestigious design competitions in the world.

GOOD DESIGN Awards 2021: prestigious award for the SPIDER CROSS LINER

The GOOD DESIGN® is the world’s most prestigious, recognized, and oldest Design Awards program organized annually by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in cooperation with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies and Metropolitan Arts Press, Ltd.

In 2021, several thousand designers and visionary companies from over 55 countries entered the competition.

The international jury comprised of experienced experts from different disciplines selected this year’s best designs. The adjudication process lasted several days and was based on the original GOOD DESIGN program essential criteria written in 1950. The jurors tested all of the entries in order to assess not just the aesthetic merit of each entry, as well as materials selected, the level of craftsmanship, the surface structure, ergonomics, innovation, sustainability, and functionality.

At the 71st edition, our smallest model, the SPIDER CROSS LINER was awarded in the 2021 Household category. The mower concept and design were developed by our chief designer, Pavel Vondráček along with Ivan Dlabač and Vojta Linhart of Divan Design s.r.o.


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